Thursday, August 15, 2013

Genetically Modified Foods ( GMO's) what are they??

There has been much talk lately about GMO and the food we consume.  Although you may not have heard about it in main stream news, trust me, there's a huge fight going on about it.  March Against Monsanto was a worldwide protest including over 2 million people.  The protest was against Monsanto, one of the main players in creating and promoting GMO seeds and food.

So, what are they?

Created in the mid 90's, GMO's are foods that have had their DNA altered so they are not affected by Round Up.  Monsanto took DNA from a bacteria that would not die when exposed to Round Up, then implanted it into the DNA of their seeds.  This process means farmers can coat everything and anything in Round Up, kill all the weeds, but the crop survives.  Sounds good right?

Maybe not.

Unfortunately, your body can no longer recognize this as the food it actually is.  Study after study have found that these foods are causing a whole host of disease.  Diabetes, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and food allergies not previously seen.

Intense Lobbying by Monsanto got these approved in the fast lane with very little knowledge of their health and environmental impact.  These GMO crops are cross pollinating and contaminating our food supply.  Sadly, in the U.S, these foods don't even have to be labeled.

Current GMO foods.

Corn - 86% is GMO
Soy - 95% is GMO
Cotton - 88% is GMO
Papaya - 50% is GMO
Canola - 50% is GMO
Sugar beets - 95% is GMO

Many more are being approved at this very moment.

Currently 21 countries have Banned GMO and 61 others require it to be labeled.  U.S.A is not in either category.  Time to wake up.

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