Thursday, August 22, 2013

The High Price of Conventional Excuses

The High Price of Conventional Excuses.

"We're all going to die anyway, I'm just going to enjoy it until then!"
"I don't have enough time to work out!"
"I cant afford to buy organic food!"
"I work hard, I deserve another slice of pizza!"
"I know someone who smokes and drinks everyday and they're 100 years old!"

I don't believe a single one of these excuses.  I believe everyone wants to be healthy, we want to be in shape, look good, and feel good.  Sometimes though, we make excuses because we are intimidated, scared of change, or just simply don't know how to do it!  That's OK!!!!  There's nothing wrong with that, you just simply have to realize an unhealthy lifestyle will catch up to you one day, and you have the power to change that!

True, we will all die one day.
You cannot avoid the grave, after all, for the wages of sin is death.  But that doesn't change the fact that you have an entire life before that.  How you want to live that life is entirely up to you.  I see so many people who's retirements, careers, social lives, and relationships have been completely destroyed due to chronic illness. Their list of medications is longer then most novels.  They take medicines to stop the side effects of other medicines.  What kind of life is that?  It is no secret that a diet high in meat and dairy causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.  Diets high in sugars and processed white flour causes diabetes.  Diets high in processed meats (hot dogs, deli meats...) and packaged foods contribute to autoimmune diseases, cancers, neurological diseases, migraines, and so many others. The chemicals, preservatives, artificial coloring agents, stabilizers, and whatever else they can come up with have been linked to A.D.D, A.D.H.D, and more cancers.  I could go on, but you get the point.  Its not the destination I'm worried about, its the journey.

You don't have time to exercise?
I think there is a misconception about exercise.  People think you have to go to the gym and stay for 4 hours.  All you need is a minimum of 30 minutes a day. If you cannot find that, your time management skills need to be reevaluated.  Do it at home, on your lunch hour, take the stairs, park at the back of the lot.  Cross-fit is high intensity training that usually takes only a few minutes, but you get results similar to hours in the gym. Walk the dog for a few miles.  The fact is, if you find yourself parked in front of the TV, you have the time.  The biggest obstacle is realizing you're only making excuses for yourself, and you're only hurting yourself.  A quote I like is, "6 months from now, You'll wish you started today."

You can't afford organic food?
I've heard this excuse from people who go out to dinner almost every night, drive nice cars and live in beautiful houses.  Organic food is more expensive, but is your health not worth the investment?  Conventional food is bathed in fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, and weed killers. These chemicals have been PROVEN to cause;
Parkinson's Disease- $10.8 billion/year in the U.S
Alzheimer's-  $208 Billion/year in the U.S
Asthma- $10.7 Billion/year in the U.S
Cancer- $201.5 Billion/year in the U.S
Diabetes- $174 Billion/year in the U.S
They have also been proven to cause infertility, birth defects, learning disabilities and more.  So in the long run, maybe spending a few extra dollars at a grocery store is a pretty good investment.

You do work hard, but do you deserve another slice of pizza?
Obesity in America is becoming an epidemic.  In 1962, the obesity rate was 13%,   in 2010, we reached nearly 36% in adults and 17% in children.  Something is not right!  How have we so quickly become the second most obese country in the world.  Our diets and lack of any movement at all will, in my opinion, ultimately be the downfall for our country. These numbers are almost all projected to double by 2030.  If we, as a country cannot afford it now, how will we when the bill has doubled.  We have to act now!  it is our personal responsibility to care for our own health, and that begins with that extra helping of grease. 

You heard a story of someone who smoked and lived to be 100?
We have all heard of people who lived terrible unhealthy lifestyles and lived long lives with no health problems.  To say that is not true would be a lie.  On occasion it does happen, but its not the norm.   We are the sickest nation in the world, and its only getting worse.  Maybe you can eat fast food everyday and never have a health problem, but realistically, you will.  Do you really want to make that gamble when you're gambling with your life.  Its much easier to live healthy then reap the benefits while walking with your grand children through the woods, or pushing them on a swing. Your finally retired and you can travel the world. 

We all have excuses, and sometimes its hard to look in the mirror and admit they're just that, excuses.  There's a whole world out there to experience, don't be left behind in a hospital bed.  I urge everyone to make the commitment to healthier living today.  There is never a better time then now.  Never forget, you can do anything you put your mind to!

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