Monday, August 19, 2013

The Truth About Protein

Everyday we are bombarded with marketing and lies about what our diets should consist of.  This has cause so much confusion about health, made big food business trillions of dollars, and has made America the sickest country in the world.

We are told we need more and more protein.  We are led to believe we need to eat meat with every meal.  At this point, it is the American way and most wouldn't change a thing.  However, everything we've been led to believe is wrong!  The government recommends eating 10% of your caloric intake with protein per day.  On average, people eat 20%, and somehow, we're still told we need more and more.  Casein (milk protein) based protein shakes loaded with chemicals, GMO's and sugar.  16oz steaks and burgers everyday.   We think "protein = healthy."   WRONG!!!  No wonder everyone has high blood pressure and high Cholesterol

The Truth.

According to "The China Study" The largest nutritional study ever conducted,  People should consume LESS then 5% animal protein per day.  Not only that, a diet where animal protein provides more then 5% of your calories feeds cancer growth.  In the study it was found that when the subjects were given a diet with less then 5% animal protein the cancer cells were completely turned off.  When the amount of animal protein was then increased in those subjects, the cancer cells turned back on.  

It is hard to grasp for some because we have been raised to believe we need to eat meat and dairy or we will be protein deficient,  then shrivel up and die.  This has all been done on purpose by the big food industries.  The Dairy industry spends millions of dollars every year on making lesson plans for schools.  They then provide them to teachers free of charge.  When congress called this practice into question, The industry admitted it was marketing, not actual lesson plans.  Because they said it was marketing, congress agreed it was ok.  This is why we all think milk is healthy when it is, by no means, healthy to anyone but a calf.

The video below is a direct result of the demand that we create.  We cause countless amounts of animals so much suffering so we can eat meat, meat, and more meat.  The truth is, its not just the animals who are suffering though,  It is us.  A short video of what our demand for low priced meat has caused.

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